
Since February 2013, Josette has been making daily visits to the cats living in the pagoda.

Her mission consists of:

  • Feeding all the cats living on the grounds of the pagoda, with wet and dry food
  • Providing on-the-spot medical care for the cats that have small ailments (skin infection, eye infection, minor wounds…)
  • Taking away more seriously injured or sick cats and kittens for treatment either at her home or at a veterinary clinic
  • Inviting overseas volunteer veterinarians to sterilize the cats at her home clinic
  • Ensuring that the cats are not abused and educating the people – especially the children – of the pagoda to respect all the animals
  • Promoting the adoption of the pagoda cats

Why we do it

Abuse, neglect, illness, injuries, death… These are the conditions in which these cats and kittens were found at the pagoda by Josette before receiving care.
And they are the very reason the charity was created.

Why cats in pagodas?

It’s a common habit for Cambodians to bring unwanted pets to a nearby pagoda.
The main reason is often an unexpected litter of kittens or puppies, but sometimes people do not know how to deal with their pet’s medical condition, and prefer to abandon them than pay high medical fees to treat them.
Every Cambodian pagoda is a de-facto animal shelter housing dozens of animals.

Prior to Josette’s arrival in February 2013, none of the kittens and cats living at Wat Athvea pagoda had ever received any medical treatment. They were only fed with leftovers from the monks’ food and suffered from malnutrition, parasites, various ailments, as well as mild and serious injuries. Many kittens were in a weak state and were dying within a few days of their arrival, and the monks just left them to die.

Since she started her work, the chances of survival of many cats have dramatically increased, and their quality of life has greatly improved. They are fed every day, are treated against worms and fleas and get medical treatment whenever needed. Many have been sterilized. More and more furries end up being adopted by residents of Siem Reap, and live a happy life with a caring, loving family.