Siem Reap Pagoda Cats is a small charity that operates only through the generous donations of private individuals, the sponsorship from local businesses and the continuous support from non-profit organisations.
Every donation helps Josette provide better care to the stray cats and dogs of Wat Athvea.
Donate cat (and dog!) food
Biscuits! Patee! The pagoda furries – and dogs – will be most grateful for your donation!
Easy to find in Siem Reap’s major supermarkets…

Donate Online
Donations can now be made via Wing (for Cambodian residents) or via Western Union or bank transfer (for donors overseas). Please contact us for details. Thank you!
[email protected]
Donate vet medicine
Fleas and tick prevention (Frontline Plus for Cats – Advantage)
Treatment against parasitic worms (Drontal or equivalent)
For visiting veterinarians, the following medication would be much welcome:
- Xylazine
- Suture material (catgut, 0 and 2-0 size, individual packs)
- Skin suture and surgical suturing needles (cutting edge)
- Sterile drapes (disposable)
- Zoletil
- Yohimbine or Atipamezole
- Antisedan
What is this money used for?
Every donation, whatever the amount, is extremely useful to Josette.
Here are a few figures to show you what is being done with your money:
- $5 is all that is needed to feed all the pagoda cats with dry and wet food for a single day
- $10 will provide a week-long supply of wet food (pouches) for all our kittens
- $25 will buy a large bag of cat dry food (biscuits) to feed to all the pagoda cats for two weeks
- $30 will fill the furry belly of all the pagoda cats with dry and wet food for one full week
- $140 will ensure that all the pagoda cats are being fed for a whole month, seven days a week, with dry and wet food!

Medical care:
- $10 will cover daily treatments for small ailments (eye and ear infections, small wounds) for two weeks
- $30 will supply three months of treatment against fleas and ticks for one of our cats (Frontline Plus for Cats)
- $45 will allow basic vaccination, including rabies shot, for one pagoda cat
- $50 will cover the surgical sterilization of a male cat (neutering)
- $125 will cover the surgical sterilization of a female cat (spaying)