A very sad story…

Dog Serena


A very sad story…
She was found in a recluse place at the back of the pagoda in October 2015, hiding in the outdoor kitchen, emaciated, injured and covered with ticks. Josette couldn’t leave her there and it was thanks to animal-loving Australian resident Martin de Porres that she could be transported to Dr. Trish’s clinic for a very intensive treatment before being fostered by Martin’s friends.
For two months, Martin went to see Serena twice a day to feed her, give her medicine, change her bandaging and provide her with the love and affection that this poor dog probably never knew.
A number of fans overseas were moved by her plight and made donations via Paypal to help cover her vet bills and daily care.
Nothing was spared to save her but, sadly, just before Christmas 2015, Serena made Martin and her fosterers understand that enough was enough and that she could no longer cope.
She was euthanized by Dr. Trish at what had become her home, surrounded by her fosterers in tears.
She is buried in a peaceful and green spot by the river, near the pagoda where she had been found.